
CSS3 book (pdf) free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

About this Book :

                           New possible uses of CSS appear every day, and you shouldn’t miss any of them. This eBook Mastering CSS3 brings together tips on the newest approaches to CSS, such as CSS animation guidelines, CSS grid frameworks and modern techniques for constructing page layouts, among others. Also,

you will get guidelines on how to use CSS in email newsletters and how to code email designs with improved readability and usability for the Web,mobile and email desktop.

Table of Contents

CSS3 vs. CSS: A Speed Benchmark

Why We Should Start Using CSS3 And HTML5 Today

Connecting The Dots With CSS3

An Introduction To CSS3 Keyframe Animations

The New Hotness: Using CSS3 Visual Effects

Adventures In The Third Dimension: CSS 3D Transforms

How To Use CSS3 Pseudo-Classes

CSS3 Flexible Box Layout Explained

The Guide To CSS Animation: Principles And Examples

Beercamp: An Experiment With CSS 3D

Using CSS3: Older Browsers And Common Considerations

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Understanding Advanced JavaScript (pdf) book free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

About This Book

                       This book is an exploration of popular advanced JavaScript concepts

 For those who already have a grasp on the basics. Understanding Advanced

JavaScript is a comprehensive manual and how-to guide about all things

JavaScript. Learn to design better APIs, use the latest tools and navigate

the JavaScript MVC Jungle effortlessly. In this eBook, you will receive

expert tips and techniques on avoiding coding tripwires and improving

your programming methodologies. Need to know how your JavaScript

performs? Find out about unit testing and user- and network-related

analyses. Master JavaScript with industry leaders who explain how to

make fine-tuning, streamlining and testing your JavaScript code easy.

Table of Contents

Analyzing Network Characteristics Using JavaScript And The DOM

Introduction To JavaScript Unit Testing

Journey Through The JavaScript MVC Jungle

JavaScript Events And Responding To The User

JavaScript Profiling With The Chrome Developer Tools

Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript

Designing Better JavaScript APIs

About The Authors

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Mobile Design Patterns (pdf) free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

About this Book

         Since the appearance of the smartphone and tablet computers, we are

experiencing a boom in Mobile Design. And, as it happens with the development

of new gadgets and technologies, some trends and patterns are already established.

With this eBook "Mobile Design Patterns", you will learn the most important guidelines

and strategiesfor Mobile Design, including solutions for forms, tap-ahead patterns and UX approaches.

Table of Contents

The Elements Of The Mobile User Experience

Picking A Mobile Support Strategy For Your Website

Essential Design Patterns For Mobile Banking

Seven Guidelines For Designing High-Performance Mobile User Experiences

Useful Design Tips For Your iPad App

A User-Centered Approach To Web Design For Mobile Devices

Mobile Auto-Suggest on Steroids: Tap-Ahead Design Pattern

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Web Design book (pdf) free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

About This Book
With this eBook, you will learn how to go from non-responsive layouts to optimized responsive mobile experiences. We’re happy to present techniques to help you overcome outdated practices and set new defaults in your workflow — a new responsive design workflow.
With the advent of responsive techniques, design patterns and off-the-shelf components, responsive Web design has become more than a technique — but rather a new mindset that requires us all to rethink and extend our practices. Responsive design is also about performance, server-side components, content strategy and conditional loading. With this eBook, you will learn how to go from non-responsive layouts to optimized responsive mobile experiences. We’re happy to present techniques to help you overcome outdated practices and set new defaults in your workflow — a new responsive design workflow.
Table of Contents
  • How Much Has The Web Really Changed?
  • Looking Beyond Common Media Query Breakpoints
  • Logical Breakpoints For Your Responsive Design
  • Preparing Websites For The Unexpected
  • How To Maintain Hierarchy Through Content Choreography
  • Towards A Retina Web
  • Building A Better Responsive Website
  • How To Make Your Websites Faster On Mobile Devices

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Mechanical Drawing Problems book free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Mechanics of Materials, 6th Edition book free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Author :
              Ferdinand  P.  Beer  
              E. Russell  Johnston, Jr.
              John  T.  DeWolf  
About This Book :
                            Beer and Johnston's Mechanics of Materials is the uncontested leader for the teaching of solid mechanics. Used by thousands of students around the globe since its publication in 1981, Mechanics of Materials, provides a precise presentation of the subject illustrated with numerous engineering examples that students both understand and relate to theory and application.
The tried and true methodology for presenting material gives your student the best opportunity to succeed in this course. From the detailed examples, to the homework problems, to the carefully developed solutions manual, you and your students can be confident the material is clearly explained and accurately represented.

If you want the best book for your students, we feel Beer, Johnston's Mechanics of Materials, 6th edition is your only choice. 
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Handbook operational amplifier applications free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

This Hand Book for a little sample knowledge about design of circuit employing the versatile modem operational amplifier.

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Electrical quick guide free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

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Electrical Equipment book free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Fundamentals Handbook Engineering Symbology, Prints, and Drawing

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Materials, Properties, Applications, (2nd Edition) book free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

                                                  Download Book

AuthorA. J. Moulson
             J. M. Herbert
             ISBN: 0471497487

About This Book : 

Starting from elementary principles, the physical, chemical and mathematical background of the subject are discussed and wherever appropriate, a strong emphasis is placed on the relationship between microstructure and properties. The Second Edition has been fully revised and updated, building on the foundation of the earlier book to provide a concise text for all those working in the growing field of electro ceramics.

- fully revised and updated to include the latest technological changes and developments in the field
- includes end of chapter problems and an extensive bibliography
- an Invaluable text for all Materials Science students.
- a useful reference for physicists, chemists and engineers involved in the area of electro ceramics

Electronic Engineering Handbook,Fifth Edition free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Author :
Donald Christiansen
Charles K. Alexander
 Ronald K. Jurgen
Description :

                        The Standard Handbook of Electronics Engineering has defined its field for over thirty years. Spun off in the 1960’s from Fink’s Standard Handbook of Electrical Engineering, the Christiansen book has seen its markets grow rapidly, as electronic engineering and microelectronics became the growth engine of digital computing. The EE market has now undergone another seismic shift—away from computing and into communications and media. The Handbook will retain much of its evergreen basic material, but the key applications sections will now focus upon communications, networked media, and medicine—the eventual destination of the majority of graduating EEs these days.

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Electric Power Substations Engineering, 3rd Edition (PDF)

Thursday, 20 March 2014

John D. McDonald

About This Book:

                              Combining select chapters from Leonard Grigsby's The Electric Power Engineering Handbook with several not found in the original work, Electric Power Substations Engineering has become a widely popular volume on the theory, design, analysis, operation, and protection of power substations. Once again part of the handbook, this third edition presents contributions from active leaders around the world. Coverage reflects international standards, practices, and technologies—not just those used in North America. Updated to include the latest developments, trends, and technologies, this proven resource once again provides a thorough and up-to-date guide for power engineers at all levels of expertise.


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Basic Electrical Engineering, 4th Edition BEE book free download

Thursday, 20 March 2014


Author :

            C.L. Wadhwa

About This Book :
                          In the fourth edition of Basic Electrical Engineering, two more chapters have been  added. Chapter i on DC circuits explains the International System of Units and gives clear concepts of electrical circuits, current, voltage or potential, resistance, power and energy. Also, Ohm's law and Kirchoffs laws have been explained with a solution of series and parallel circuits using these laws.
Chapter ii on electromagnetic induction explains Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction and Lenz's law. Laws of electromagnetic forces, dynamically and statically induced e.m.f. 's have also been explained. Further, concepts of mutual and self-inductances, and hysteresis losses and eddy current losses have been discussed. Under AC circuits, in chapter 1, the concepts of leakage flux, fringing flux, magnetostatic potential, m.m.f. and reluctance have been included. With these additions, the utility of this book has been greatly enhanced.Any constructive suggestion for further improvement of this book will be gratefully acknowledged.

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