
Computer Application for Engineering free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Software Engineering by Pressman free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Software Engineering by Sommerville 2000 free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Book Objective :

  • To introduce software engineering and to explain its importance
  • To set out the answers to key questions about software engineering
  • To introduce ethical and professional issues and to explain why they are of concern to software engineers

FAQs about software engineering :

  • What is software?
  • What is software engineering?
  • What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?
  • What is the difference between software engineering and system engineering?
  • What is a software process?
  • What is a software process model?
  • What are the costs of software engineering?
  • What are software engineering methods?
  • What is CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering)
  • What are the attributes of good software?
  • What are the key challenges facing software engineering?
                                                           Download Book                                                                   

IT Manager’s Handbook The Business Edition free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Software Engineering Material book free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Abobe Photoshop Techniques and Images From Professional Photographers

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Publisher : Amherst Media inc.
First printing edition (April 1,2006)
Language : English
Everything that could be in traditional darkroom can now be done with adobe photoshop,making specialeffects that were formerly achieved exclusively by expert darkroom technicians available to allphotographers.
This technology revolution has created new challenges as well as opportunities for increased creativity, allowing photographers to become digital artists as well. With illustrative photos throughtout,this book details new,unexpected,and successful techniques used by artists,illustrators,commercials photographers, album designers, wedding photographers, portrait photographers and teachers. Professional and advanced amateurs
will benefit from the instructions for efficiently using the software, minimizing the computer the spent on each photo.

Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering book free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering includes over 450 A to Z articles addressing the latest advances and findings in computer science and engineering, in addition to important topics of interest to computer scientists and engineers, including standards, electronic commerce, financial engineering, and computer education. Each article is written by an expert in his or her particular specialty and is peer-reviewed by two other experts to ensure that it is clear and precise. References and website of related interest accompany every article.
Index of Topics

* Artificial Intelligence
* Vision
* Software systems, data and knowledge engineering
* Computer architectures, networks, and interconnects
* VLSI Technology
* Computer Systems
* Performance evaluation and real-time computing
* Theory and Algorithms
* Applications
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Engineering Problem Solving with C, 4th Edition free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


       Delores M.  Etter

About This Book :
                              In Engineering Problem Solving with C, 4 edition, best-selling author, Delores Etter, uses real-world engineering and scientific examples and problems throughout the text. Solutions to the problems are developed using the language C and the author's signature five-step problem solving process. Since learning any new skill requires practice at a number of different levels of difficulty, four types of exercises are presented to develop problem-solving skills - Practice! problems, Modify! problems, Short-Answer problems, and Programming problems. The author's clear and precise style creates a highly accessible and readable text for students of all levels.
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2009 International Building Code Need To Know free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

This book is your guide to getting your code questions answered with less
stress. It is your ticket to simplifying the cryptic code that you work with on
a daily basis. The code is large and can be complicated.Translated the
code into easy-to-use terms for people in the field. See the code as a realworld
guide instead of some foreign language that only some people can
begin to sift through. This is your chance.

Book Feature :

  • Clear explanation about international building Code.
  • Special Details.
  • Visual references 
                                                   Download Book

Estimating and Tendering for Construction Work, 3rd Edition book free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

                                                  Download Book

Introduction of civil Engineernig free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Fundamentals of Civil Engineering book free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Transportation Engineering book free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Design of Concrete Structures

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Engineering rock Mechanics book free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations book free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


About This Book :
Handle every day-to-day calculation instantly and accurately. Now, a single authoritative reference offers you a surefire way to save time handling routine and non-routine calculations in the design, construction, rehab and maintenance of all types of structures. Edited by Tyler G. Hicks, Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations explains and illustrates over 500 key calculations covering the entire field: structural steel engineering and design; reinforced and prestressed concrete; timber engineering; soil mechanics; surveying, route design, and highway bridges; fluid mechanics; pumps, piping, and hydro power; water supply and storm water; sanitary wastewater treatment and control; and engineering economics. Using both customary and SI units, each calculation procedure includes a worked-out example with numbered steps. You see exactly how to compute the desired values for a particular design, and go quickly from data to finished design.

English | 1999 | ISBN: 0070288143

Pocket Guide to Chemical Engineering

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Unit Operations Of Chemical Engineering 5th Ed free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Automotive Engineering book free download by Patrick Grant

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Engineering with Rubber - How to Design Rubber Components (3rd Ed) free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Author  :     Alan Gent
Published : September 2012 

About This Book

This book provides the principles of rubber science and technology: what rubber is, how it behaves, and how to design engineering components with rubber. It introduces the principles on which successful use of rubber depends and offers solutions to the questions engineers in rubber processing face every day. How is an elastomer chosen and a formulation developed? Why is rubber highly elastic and relatively strong? How is the stiffness and strength of a product estimated? How is high quality and durability guaranteed? The authors describe current practices in rubber engineering. At the end of each chapter, there are sample questions and problems (with solutions) that gauge mastery of the material.

1 Introduction
2 Materials and Compounds
3 Elasticity
4 Dynamic Mechanical Properties
5 Strength
6 Mechanical Fatigue
7 Durability
8 Design of Components
9a Finite Element Analysis
9b Developments in Finite Element Analysis
10 Tests and Specifications
Appendix: Tables of Physical Constants
                                                      Download Book

Fundamentals of Structural Engineering book free download

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Fundamentals of Structural Engineering provides a balanced, seamless treatment of both classic, analytic methods and contemporary, computer-based techniques for conceptualizing and designing a structure. The book’s principle goal is to foster an intuitive understanding of structural behavior based on problem solving experience for students of civil engineering and architecture who have been exposed to the basic 
concepts of engineering mechanics and mechanics of materials.

Making it distinct from many other undergraduate textbooks, the authors of this text recognize the notion that engineers reason about behavior using simple models and intuition they acquire through problem solving. The approach adopted in this text develops this type of intuition by presenting extensive, realistic problems and case studies together with computer simulation, which allows rapid exploration of how a structure responds to changes in geometry and physical parameters.

Fundamentals of Structural Engineering
By Jerome J. Connor and Susan Faraji
Springer | July 2012 | ISBN-10: 1461432618 

In this Book-
- Emphasizes problem-based understanding of structural behavior
- Organizes chapters by structural types
- Provides balanced, seamless treatment of both classic and contemporary
    computer-based analysis  methods
- Offers extensive sample problems and detailed solutions to problems
     of structural analysis
- Cultivates intuitive thinking about structural behavior
- Incorporates input data operable with numerous widely used
     engineering design software packages
- Features 900 figures and graphs

                                                    Download Book

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